Hi there and Welcome to Emmie Designs.
I live in Northern California, move pretty frequently, and love to make new friends along the way.
I made this blog as a way to keep up with all the crazy ideas that move through my head as well as to document my children's lives.
I have a 8 year old daughter, 6 year old daugther, and my baby boy that is 3. I've been married since 2002. I got married 9 mnths prego and all. I Still love him, even through the sweet and sour moments of life.
How my love of sewing got started:
I starting back sewing around September 2009.
I tried once before when my 8 year old still in my tummy, but gave up doing the sleeper before she born. That was 2002 as well. I guess I just didn't have the brain compacity to complete it with the pregnancy brain and all. I put it aside, and thought, one day I'll get to it again.
Then I had my 1st daughter and 9 mnths later, lost my mother to a car accident. She sewed pretty frequently and knew I was taking an interest too. She died on December 16, 2002 and the present she had put for me under the tree was of course a sewing machine.
I guess she and God knew my future passion long before I did.
For a while I couldn't even look at the machine. Or go near it. I just stowed it away in my closet for years.
Then one day my life changed. My friend (you know who you are, lol) sent me a link to a cute skirt and I was hooked. She was too of course! We always blame the sewing/ blog surfing on each other. So I looked at the link, and thought that the skirt looked "manageable". I sewed 2 skirts for my girls and never looked back.
Now I love looking at other craft/sewing blogs and gain inspiration every day.
One day my dream would be involved in some form or fashion of sewing. I hope to one day be able to afford to go to school for fashion or cooking. I love fashion first and foremost, but also love coming up with a new recipe that my family loves and soons becomes the weekly favorite.
If you've made it this far, that's a little about me and who I am.
I hope you enjoy my blog and expierences and share yours with me as well.