Friday, April 23, 2010

Apron Made For Mom

Many of you know that the much anticipated event is coming up soon, Mom's Day. 

Every year, it's weird. I get a little excited when I think of how I am a mother of 3.  Then it hits me that I can't call my Mom and say the same things year after year that I yearn to tell her. I love you. 

My mom has been gone since December 16, 2002 but for some reason, it still feels like it's only been a year max.  Probally because she was a great inspiring woman and mother and every day I want to live up to her expectations of a mother that she endured; along with missing her. 

On the other hand, I do still have much to be grateful for on Mother's Day. I have a wonderful mother through my hubby.  Also a great sis-in-law that really does feel like my sister as well. 

I recently wanted to make my mom something to give to her for being always so gracious to my loving family and loving to no end.  So I made her this, but I feel like she still deserves more.  I guess when you love and admire someone so much the gratitude will never end for me.  So..

Here is the apron I finished and sent out a couple of days. 

The cool thing is that the initial's work for both my sis and Mom.

Now I want to make one for me, I'll post it as well soon.

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